Spending a long weekend zig-zagging across the Kattegat Sea I could not leave without visiting the Stena Danica; a powerful majestic looking vessel with a strong wide bow and a crown like funnel.
Operating the +/- 4hr crossing between Gothenburg (Sweden) and Frederikshavn (Denmark) there is ample time to explore this 39yr old legend.
I understand Stena Danica has never operated on any other route, hence the title of this blog 'the loyal one'; a credit to Stena Line and the design team - the ship is still suited to the needs of today's traveller nearly four decades after she was built.

Now, Gothenburg is a large city with picturesque surroundings and a vast array of shops alas, owing to my (very) tight schedule I didn't have time to explore. However, what I did see from walking between the Nils Ericson railway station and the ferry terminal has inspired me to return again!
Arriving from Halmstad (Sweden) the train takes you right into the city centre railway station. Despite the significant snowfall (videos on YouTube channel A2B via Sea) the train departed and arrived on time; the journey being extremely comfortable.

A video showing how to get from Halmstad to Gothenburg by train can be found on my YouTube channel 'A2B via Sea on TV'.
Arriving in Gothenburg in phenomenally cold conditions I now needed to get to the Stena Line ferry terminal. Not doing any prior research (A2B via Sea does the investigating on location so you do not have too), I decided to try and walk to the terminal.
Although Gothenburg benefits from having an excellent tram network one can walk to the ferry, which can be done in around 30min.
Simply disembark the train and walk forward along the platform into the railway station, continue forward through the station (which is actually like a shopping mall!) and out the other side. With the railway station now behind you, turn left, walk forward towards the canal, then turn right and walk along the canal (which is on your left hand side. Walk as far as you can go and then turn left and you will see the Stena Line ferry terminal (for the Frederikshavn route) on your right hand side.
It sounds complicated but as I say, I did no prior research, have never been to Gothenburg previously and just followed (my extremely cold and red) nose. I found the terminal with no issues.
It is a lovely walk!......

.....though if you encounter snowfall such as I, bring a change of clothing; the snow was up to my knees in places, trousers soaked! All part of the adventure - I loved it!!

Berthed upstream of the Stena Line terminal you (may) see the futuristic High speed Sea Service (HSS) catamaran Stena Carisma laid up on the quayside. She has been here since 2013, I understand, and not been in use since. You can see the Frederikshavn ferry just behind.

Video footage of the Stena Carisma can be found here:
The Stena Line ferry terminal is large - you can ascend the stairs or elevator from the adjacent dual carriageway up to the check-in / embarkation gate - an air bridge crosses the dual carriageway to give pedestrians direct access to the city centre if you don't walk the way I did beside the canal.

My suggestion would be to arrive for your crossing at the earliest opportunity as long queues of passengers can develop within the terminal, though to be fair they pass swiftly. Go to the check-in first then proceed to the security gate. At the security gates just have your ID and boarding cards ready for inspection.
Here is the ferry terminal, all filmed in real time - I had never been here previously so I was discovering where to go & what to do step by step, again so you will know what to do when you undertake your own crossing.
Passing through security; many gates open and the queue passes swiftly.

Let's go aboard
Having passed security we ascend a covered, wide, glass lined sky-bridge, no problems if you are in a wheelchair.
Embarking as a foot passenger we enter what is essentially the hub of the ship - a full width foyer on Deck 7 with facilities running off fore and aft with a wide stairwell giving access to Deck 8; two immaculate looking Stena Line personnel greet passengers as they embark with a cheerful 'welcome aboard'.

Let the 'cruise' begin!

Let's go for an explore.
We'll go back to the embarkation hall on Deck 7 and start from there.
Being Christmas I was particularly impressed with Santa's Grotto within the foyer which was essentially a mock chimney with a roaring fire (large flatscreen TV mounted on wallpapered plywood) with a Christmas tree, presents and North Pole 'express post' letter box. If I (a 44yr old) was impressed then the children would surly love this! A video can be found at the end of the blog.
Passenger facilities are located on Decks 7, 8 and 9.
Just look how much there is to do aboard!
Plenty to keep passengers of all ages amused! (Click to enlarge)
Starting at the foyer let's circumnavigate Deck 7 before heading up to the other decks.

Walking forward from the foyer along the port side corridor we pass a vast gaming centre - which we will come back too later, and a flight of stairs giving access to Deck 8 above. We then enter the Bar - a lively facility with its own stage, dance floor, overhead disco lights and casino.

Almost a nightclub but not quite, this facility boasts comfortable red coloured sofas, individual chairs and localised tables. Those persons who are sitting on the port side are slightly raised allowing a view across the whole facility.
During my voyage live entertainment was provided throughout.

An impressive casino occupies the area on the starboard side which too is raised via a ramp and step though is divided from the bar area by a glass screen and brass handrail. Not being out of place in a Las Vegas, there are many slot machines and even a roulette table.

Walking aft along the ships' starboard side back towards the foyer we pass a small reclining seat lounge which doubles as a cinema....

....followed by a vast children's entertainment complex featuring gaming machines, fruit machines, air hockey and a highly impressive children's playground consisting of a double level colourful padded play ground. If you are travelling with children Stena Danica will not disappoint!

We have now arrived back at the embarkation hall.
Let's walk towards the stern...
We walk down a very wide aisle passing a large open plan TV room with comfortable forward facing reclining seats with copious amounts of legroom and pull down tray tables which are divided from aisle by a full height glazed screen. Several large ceiling mounted flat screen TV monitors effectively divide this lounge into smaller areas.

Opposite the reclining seat / TV lounge there is the ships' information desk and a series of orange coloured seats with access to the Stena Plus Lounge to the side.

The staff within the information desk were particularly courteous and professional.
The aforementioned Stena Plus Lounge is located on the starboard side of Deck 7.
At the cost of around £24 per single journey I was entitled to a seat of my choice within this comfortable environment, upgraded WIFI and complimentary drinks and snacks, which actually included beer which I could pour myself - this means for the four hour crossing the cost of the ticket to gain entry to Stena Plus actually paid for its self!

I would highly recommend this facility. If you ever travel aboard Stena Danica, or any Stena Line ship for that matter, why not treat yourself as it is excellent value for money.
Adjacent to Stena Plus, slightly forward, is a conference room which is accessed via a narrow corridor adorned by framed photographs.

At the stern of Deck 7 behind the aft stairs is the large shopping centre.

One of two aboard Stena Danica, this shop is an Aladdin's Cave of goodies; bags, souvenirs, confectionary, sun glasses, clothing, toys, electrical goods, wines and spirits. You could easily spend a lengthy time in here exploring all the shelves.

Here is a walk about tour.
The second shop is up stairs immediately above. Let's go and have a look....
Deck 8

At the stern of Deck 8 just behind the main stair shaft is the 'beer warehouse'.

Opening a short time after departure from Gothenburg, this vast 'warehouse' has cages of cases of beer which proved an extremely popular facility for many of the passengers who were undertaking round trip mini cruises to Denmark and back.
Travelling light (just me and a backpack) I was unable to partake in any purchases however, I had to take a look around and have to say, I was particularly impressed!

Here is a walk about tour of the 'warehouse'
Upon leaving the 'warehouse' we enter the bright and extremely spacious hall where the aft stair shaft is located.....

....before proceeding down a lengthy corridor lined by seating (I won't say arcade as it is literally just a corridor with seating) giving access to the facilities at the forward end of Deck 8. It looks as if a counter service café was once located her though is firmly shut during this crossing.

As at some point most passengers transit through here I would have introduced illuminated display cabinets and 'offer boards' to entice passengers into the shops, though to be fare I think all passengers aboard ventured into the shops without hesitation owing to the selection of goods available!
Passing the forward stairs, we come to Taste Buffet and Café Danica.

The later is essentially a large counter service cafeteria where the meals are served by personnel. Sampling the salmon, rice, potatoes, coffee and a selection of cakes, I was particularly impressed by the taste and quality of all items.

Meals are eaten within the vast dining room consisting of royal blue upholstered seating on localised royal blue coloured carpeting which is divided from the 'through aisle', which gives access to Taste Buffet at the forward end of this deck, by way of a half height divide.

Walking forward passing a small staircase to our left which gives access to the bar on Deck 7 below, we come to Taste Restaurant.

Occupying a prime position with views overlooking the bow, meals are served buffet style - during the time of my return crossing Christmas Dinner was being served.
In retrospect I wish I'd tried harder to get a seat however, this restaurant was so popular by those aboard I couldn't even get in - other than to get some sneaky photographs to share with you.

So, that was Deck 7 and 8 - vast, spacious areas filled with a huge range of facilities to keep everyone entertained for the duration of the voyage.
But wait, there is another deck....Deck 9. The passenger facilities are located at the stern so, lets walk back the way we came and ascend the aft stairs by the 'warehouse'.

Deck 9

At the stern of Deck 9, occupying what was part of the exterior deck at one point, is 'The Reef Bar' - a tropical oasis within a large 'greenhouse' consisting of (presumably) faux plants, deck chairs, lounge 'beds' and café style tables and chairs.
Disappointingly this facility was closed throughout the voyage so these photographs were taken through the glazed windows from the adjacent exterior deck as I wanted to give you an indication of what the facility was like.

As you can see (albeit through the windows) The Reef does look spectacular so I hope this facility will be open when you travel.
Stena Danica has some extensive exterior deck areas - primarily on the port and starboard sides of Deck 9 however, extreme cold and previous heavy snow meant exterior deck areas on the upper decks were closed off to passengers owing to slip hazards.

The stern of Deck 9 benefits from having a sheltered area so passengers can still get plenty of fresh air (which is so important in these Covid times) but will not get wind swept or wet from falling rain, or in this case snow). Part of the sheltered deck (starboard side) accommodates smokers.

Here is a walk about tour of Deck 9.
We have now arrived at Frederikshavn, Denmark.

After a short turn around, we head back to Gothenburg - those on round trip mini cruises can remain aboard whilst the ship is cleaned and prepared for the return voyage PLUS,
TOP TIP, if you have a Stena Plus Lounge ticket you can go in early to really get your monies worth! The personnel at the ships' information desk can arrange this for you.
Having thoroughly enjoyed my day aboard Stena Danica we arrive back into Gothenburg.

In closing Stena Danica is an excellent ship!
She is obviously very popular with the passengers whom seemed to use her for a mini cruise experience to have a fine meal, a dance to the live entertainment, a few drinks at the bar and some shopping.

Children are extremely well catered for also, so if you ever travel from Sweden to Denmark have a look at Stena Danica as you
will not be disappointed!
Here is a final look around - look at the Christmas decorations in the Deck 7 foyer; Stena Line go all out! And with the snow outside and Christmas dinner being served in the restaurant, what a perfect way to spend a long weekend!
Many more videos of other Stena Line vessels can be found on YouTube channel
'A2B via Sea on TV'. Just go to the Stena Line playlist.
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